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Now Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital's 

Best Eye Specialists are a phone call away!

Speak to your eye specialist over whatsapp or telephone


This service will be available from Monday to Saturday from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm. Our Tele Consultant will call you between these hours after receiving your filled tele-consultation request form to confirm your tele-appointment with our doctor.

You can also call us for your queries or write to us at

How Tele-consultation can help you?


Teleconsultation empowers you to consult your trusted Ophthalmologist from the comfort of your home. During these difficult times when transportation always puts you at risk of exposure to COVID 19, teleophthalmology opens your window to access quality consultation and hence receive proper medical prescription without delaying your treatment.


Hence, it helps you with required consultation to prevent any chances of further deterioration of your eye ailment due to lack or delay in treatment.

Consent for Tele-Consultation


I understand that telemedicine is the use of electronic information and communication technologies by a health care provider to deliver consultation services and prescribe medicines to an individual when he/she is located at a different location than the provider. Tele-consultation has its limitations on patient examination, and is not always a good substitute for an in-person consultation. I also understand that after verifying my eye condition if required I may be asked by the doctor to visit the hospital to undergo specific test before been prescribed with medication.

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