Have you ever seen live Leech (जोंक) been extracted from someone's eye!
A resident of Bhusukh, a forest covered village near Gangtok, 72 year old Bal Bahadur Chettri ji is still in good health who still farms and manages his lifestock. Starting
his day very early he took his lifestock into the forest early morning at 4:30 am yesterday and washed his face with the stagnant water near the forest riverine. Little did he knew what he contracted with.
Bal Bahadur ji started complaining of eye pain, severe itching and redness of the eye from yesterday afternoon,

thinking the pain might have started because of increased condition of Cataract of his eye he complained to his son Kumar. Kumar and his friend without any delay brought Bal Bahadur j
i at our hospital early morning at 9:00 with the complain of eye pain, requesting immediate Cataract surgery.
But, during his prelimnary examination our Senior Optometrist Monalisa noticed a black fleshy deposition to the left corner of his eye and asked him if he has a blood clot/ or natural black spot inside his eyes. On closely looking she noticed the clot suddenly uncoiled and extended itself towards the cornea.
Through careful observation his eye was detected been infested with live leech and our Senior Surgeons Dr Arup Kumar Das with Dr. Quazi Md Naiyyer Alam didnt took a moment to immediately extract the parasite out of his eye. Luckily, the parasite could not protude the sclera, thanks to the tear glands that continuously secreted salt water that avoided the parasite to cause any terminal damage to the eye.
We appreciate the efforts of such families where despite
of social and geographical limitations the community/ family participates, Kumar participated earnestly to spend no minute to ensure earliest access to treatment for Bal Bahadur ji. A fight that we won against time, and a vision that we save saved.