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Press Release Inauguration Of B. D Jain Lions Eye Hospital

On August 30th, 2021 we as the the biggest and most trusted super specialty eye hospital in North Bengal opened our Unit IV, B. D Jain Lions Eye Hospital, 150 km East of Siliguri at Cooch Behar. The hospital has been opened as a joint initiative of Lions Club Of Cooch Behar and Lions Club Of Siliguri Greater. The launch programme was inaugurated from the auspicious hands of District Magistrate Cooch Behar Shri. Pawan Kadyan, Chief Guest Lion Shankar Ku. Ray, Dist. Governor, Lions District 322F along with Chief Medical Officer, Coochbehar Dr. Sukanta Biswas, and visiting dignitaries from both the hospitals including President Lions Club Of Siliguri Greater Dr. T. M. Tiwari, President Lions Club Of Cooch Behar Lion Amal Dey, and Charter President of Lions Club Of Coochbehar Sewa Trust Lion S. C Jain with Unit 4 Chairman Lion Vikas Bansal. The occasion was also visited Lion Hemant Agarwal (VDG2), Dist. 322 F, present Chairmen and Founding Member Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital Lion P. K Shah, PDG Lions P. C Maskara.

Addressing the vising audience Chairman Lion S. C Jain said “The opening of the hospital would begin a new era of eye care in Cooch Behar. B. D Jain Lions Eye Hospital is our joint vision to take quality affordable eye care to all in this region where a decade ago people had to suffer due to unavailability of services and hence had to resort to Siliguri or Guwahati or other faraway places for even basic eye treatment. Lions Club Of Siliguri Greater is our long-time partner with whom we together have conducted countless Camps in Cooch Behar. We are happy that a long perceived dream is today been realized together today. I am proud that we have partnered with Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital which has set a bench mark for all Lions in the country towards eye care in North Bengal to extend this dream of ensuring quality treatment to all in the region. PDG and Past Chairman Lion P. C Maskara said “Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital laid it’s foundation when the club founding members realized the growing avoidable blindness cases in the region which could have been easily avoided with timely interception and treatment. Since, last 40 years we have been only trying to create accessible quality eye care spaces in the region of North Bengal taking quality, affordable eye care to every household. This joint initiative have only strengthened Lions in District 322F and took our vision to further realization. We hope we can cater to the trust that the people of Cooch Behar. As we come here with Lions Club Of Cooch Behar we also come with the promise to cater the best of eye care in the region. Today, we are 4 hospitals and 31 primary eye care centres ensuring reaching to every corners of North Bengal where eye care is still inaccessible”.

Taking the Dias Chief Guest Lion Sankar Kr. Das said, “Today, Lions District 322 F is one of the most active Lions Club International District in India and we made it so because of our strong patrons like Lions Club Of Siliguri Greater and Lions Club of Cooch Behar. Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital today is not only the biggest hospital in North Bengal but, the biggest eye care systems among all Lions Eye hospitals in entire India who have made our Lions District proud. I am sure that with the strong leadership of Cooch Behar and exceptional administrative and medical capability of Siliguri Greater Lions Eye Hospital we would set a new mark in the history of Lions International in India. This initiative would not only benefit the people of Cooch Behar, but also the adjacent places Assam and Bhutan.” Concluding the programme Chief Executive Officer Dr Rajesh Saini said that “staying to our commitment we have brought to the people of the region best diagnostic and surgery facility practices by an efficient, highly skilled health care staff. We are sure that the people of Cooch Behar will find an umbrella of services under this temple of eye care”. The hospital will also commence large scale free eye screening camps in the region.

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